The Second TNA Call in numbers

During the 3.5 months the 2nd TNA call remained open the EUMR consortium received 31 TNA submissions - all of these submissions were eligible. All of the applications attained a positive evaluation by the User Selection Panel (USP), with a mean rank of 7.85/10.

Call 2 TNA submission distribution by continent.
Figure 1 Call 2 TNA submission distribution by continent.


Call 2 TNA submission distribution by domain area.
Figure 2 Call 2 TNA submission distribution by domain area.


As can be seen in Figure 1 and Figure 2, although the majority of proposals came from Academia there was still a significant participation from other domains such as Industry and Government entities (totaling 33.3% of registered submissions). Furthermore, there was also significant participation from entities outside Europe, although most submissions are European.

 Call 2 total number of approved and rejected proposals.
Figure 3 Call 2 total number of approved and rejected proposals.


From the 31 submissions we registered a 90.3% approval rating, seen in Figure 3, totaling 28 proposals to be executed during the 1-year period from March 2020 to March 2021. One notable fact is that the 3 rejections were due to budget limits of the access provider and not a negative evaluation.